lunes, 4 de abril de 2011

College festival

Hi everybody !!! Here you have a summary of the week 21/03/11-27/03/11.

Tuesday, in practise class we did exercises of linking words, expressing cause/effect, contrast, addition and other important linking devices. We practised these in web pages. We also did a reading compression and listening.

Wednesday we corrected the exercises of prefixes and suffixes, these exercises were homework of the unit 2.

That week was the university party of the EPSA, the pumpkin festival or more commonly called "las Paellas". This event has always been done on Thursdays but as the Thursday of this year the weather wasn't very good, the Paellas festival have been done on Friday. This event consist in join students from all university courses and each group puts its tent and cook your own food, paella, spanish typical food, made with rice, meat and spices, or also meat roast. Meanwhile, the organization mounted shows, competitions, music, food, etc. This party was very funny and lively.

Sunday I hiked up the mountain "Cabeço d'Or", Busot, with my father and my cousin. We walked a little and we enjoyed nature and views. Also, I burned the alcohol that I drank in the Paellas festival, jeje.

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